Today’s Promises

How did I take care of my body?

I walked a total of 8,900 steps.  I did not go for a bike ride.

How did I take care of my mind?

I didn’t plan anything specific for my mind at all.  I need to do that very well.

How did I plan my trades?

I did a seminar on Book Map and I understand it much better now.  I know that in order to be successful that I must know this program well.  I am committed to opening a TD Ameritrade account for September to get this item for $40 a month.

How many calls did I make?

I had not planned on making calls on the weekend but it does not preclude me from doing just that.  I need to do it more.

What did I create?

I didn’t do anything creative today other than this post for the blog.  I know that I need to do more.

What did I learn?

I learned a little about BookMap.  I learned how to get my presentation software configured in under 10 minutes.  I reviewed the videos from the presentation 4 day live event.  I reviewed the Hero’s Journey  

How many seminars did I do?

I had none scheduled because it was Saturday.  I didn’t practice my presentations and I need to practice.  I will be practicing once everyday including scheduled seminar days when no one shows up.

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Endless Supply of Good Seed

The parables of the New Testament reinforce the Greatest Commandment that Jesus mentions in three of the Gospels. In Luke, the interaction is answered by an “expert in the law” and he also answered the question correctly as stated in Mark and Matthew. Only in Luke is it followed with the question, “Who is my neighbor?”

So this is where we hear the parable of the Good Samaritan. Everyone is our neighbor. It is incumbent upon us to look upon our fellow man as brothers regardless of their government or belief system.

The parable of the sower tells us that all seed is good. If we truly believe in the “goodness” we must be liberal with our seed. Where it lands is out of our hands but the important thing about the valuable seed is that it does “get out of our hands.” The idea is to get it to be fruitful.

Finally, in the parable of the Bags of Gold, we are instructed about the master who shares his wealth with his servants in the hopes that they will bring him profit. The one that hid his gold and returned only what was given to him was chastised as being lazy. The others were given more.

For so long, I have thought that Christ never wanted prosperity for His people. I cite the “Love of Money” references that we know so well. If we truly believe in the commandment to love our neighbor as ourselves then we dare not treat ourselves and our prosperity with undue contempt.

Wallace Wattles talks about life seeking its greatest expression and with humans that means prosperity. His definition is further clarified to include the greater benefit going to the person with whom you do business. Charles Haanel talks about power being reserved for those who don’t consider poverty to be virtuous.

I believe that far too many of us use this misunderstanding of Christianity to violate the true spirit of our humanity. Like the very first word of The Master Key System state…”Much gathers more is true on every plane of existence and loss leads to greater loss.” It’s true in the parables.

If we want to truly be a full expression of Christianity we must recognize our value, share it with as many as we can, and be measured with a reward of prosperity for ourselves and our neighbors that we love. Then and only then will we hear, well done good and faithful servant.

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A New Beginning

During the first week in June, I had the fortunate opportunity to attend a live event for the Master Key Experience in Kauai, Hawaii. I have been removed from the experience for about 8 years. I never really got what I should have gotten from the on-line experience and I blame myself. I know now, that what was truly missing was a Mastermind Alliance. Someone who was in the experience as well to keep me on track and allow me to be concerned with as well.

Taking the focus off myself and putting it on others and making that my passion, well, that is my stated purpose. If I take care of others then I will take care of myself.

I have read through my Mastermind Partner’s purpose and I am very sure that she will achieve success. Health is important to everyone and I welcome what she has to say for me and my health as well. It is clearly a great calling and a wonderful business to be in…especially now.

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Wide Reaching Peril

In Chapter 2 of the Master Key System I find the following quote in Chapter 17.

The conscious mind can suggest either truth or error. If the latter, it is at the cost of wide-reaching peril to the whole being.

Twenty year ago, I accepted a truth that a certain condition in the body, particularly bone loss was due to a calcium deficiency. In the past couple of years, I began to question the logic behind this “truth”. In October of 2020, my father passed away from heart disease. He had always been a believer in nutrition and supplements. He was constantly supplementing.

When he was in the hospital, his cardiologist told me that there was no hope for his heart because of the calcification.

I had also been supplementing with calcium because in my mother’s health record, she had two knee replacements in her 50s. Osteoporosis was to blame. I could avoid that with supplementation. I started taking a lot of minerals including extra calcium. In 2006, when I was 44 years old, I had my knee give out and a cyst burst in my leg. Subsequently, I dealt with blood clots. I was already supplementing. This shouldn’t be happening. I still never questioned the logic.

Recently, I began to challenge these beliefs when I stumbled on to a book. The book talked about the epidemic of disease that seemed to come about in the 1980s. I began high dose Vitamin D3 and some of its co factors and eliminated the calcium. The results have been very encouraging.

I also suffered a broken arm in November and at the age of 60, I expected that it would take a while to heal fully if at all. The doctor insisted on Calcium supplementation. I did not refuse to his face but I took no calcium. I was fully healed in about 6 weeks. A ganglion cyst that I had that resisted aspiration in July disappeared in 4 weeks. A dry patch of my skin on my arm that caused me concern enough to see a dermatologist is now healing and returning to normal.

I am happy that I have discovered this one thing about my health but I am happier still that I know how important it is not to allow something to become so automatic that you never ever challenge its accuracy.

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Harmony with the Law

In chapter 1, verse 17 I found the following statement.

Mental efficiency is contingent upon harmony; discord means confusion; therefore, he who would acquire power must be in harmony with the law of his being.

I find myself quite often in a series of activities that have nothing to do with my goals at the time. In the morning and only in the morning, I am involved with trading of stocks. I stopped doing it for money almost a year ago. I was that bad at it. I still do it though because I know that it is my behavior and not the behavior of the market that brings me failure. Instead of adhering to a system of learning…I show up the nest morning in the same chaotic manner.

I have a Network Marketing business that I have been trying to start for years. I don’t because I am not in harmony with what I say I believe. If I truly believed it…I should be a success and instead I am in a state of suspended animation.

Today, I will be in harmony with who I want to be. I will be that person and all of my activities will align with that identity.

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Erroneous and Fixed Ideas

Challenging Fixed Ideas.

As I turned 60 a couple of months ago, I need to realize that I just may be mortal. Yes, I have been concerned about my life and health for quite some time, but I have always felt like I have time. Now, I am probably over the hump. The hump you say? Yes. My Grandfather lived to 70 and my father lived until 88. I may be headed in the right direction here. Still, my health requires one prescription for the rest of my life and I would like to minimize getting any more.

Recently, my morning routine has been interrupted by a bump on my foot which began to give me pain. Realizing that I have had blood clots in my leg before, I immediately increased my blood thinner from prophylactic to therapeutic. A quick trip to the podiatrist seemed to have disproved this hypothesis. It appears that I have and have had a ganglion cyst on my foot for years.

Having had a ganglion of a much larger size on my leg and being aware of its nature, I know that this one that has been around for a long time will not leave me right away. The draining of the cyst followed by my impatience to “get back to normal” caused a weeklong problem with pain and swelling. Draining and surgical options are not promising at least to me and living with this problem is also not a good idea.

This led me to some research on the cyst and I have found that a low Vitamin D level can lead to the cyst. Adjusting your level can also lead to reducing the size of the cyst…aka healing. I had my Vitamin D levels checked and sure enough…they were low. So, I ordered supplements of this dangerous hormone. I say hormone…because that is what it is.

The levels recommended by the medical community are much lower than what I am shooting for here. There is a lot of literature that identifies many serious health issues that began in the 1980s and that was about the time that the Sun became public enemy number one. Since the Sun activates the hormone through contact with the skin, our desire to “cover up” and use sunscreen has essentially sent the wrong message to our bodies. It sounds plausible and it is worth investigating.

This morning during my bike ride, the introduction to Chapter 6 of The Master Key System talked about The greatest hinderance is erroneous and fixed ideas. As of today, I will start to safely increase my Vitamin D levels and make sure that I go out into the sun. If the cyst shrinks…well, maybe there is something to this. Still it challenges a fixed idea that I have been parroting for decades.

We’ll see. A month can’t hurt. Growing is taking a chance on possibilities.

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Making Choices

I am extremely happy that I live in a country where I have the freedom to speak my mind and make my own decisions without the threat of harm to myself or my family. The events unfolding in Ukraine are working on my soul. Living here, I can do little to help the individuals who are facing war and destruction.

I will make a concerted effort to help others here in my own neighborhood and country to be able to navigate the troubling waters that come with such a conflict. In this way, I can still feel that I can make a difference.

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It’s a Wonderful Life

I think that the final scene in the movie, It’s a Wonderful Life is one of the most emotional moments experienced by viewers of any movie. I think that the struggle for significance and love is universal. I hear so often from people that say, “if I had only known…”.

In that final scene, several things happened.

  • Uncle Billy said, “Mary did it…she went all over town…she told everyone…George is in trouble…”
  • People responded with
    • Stories of how they knew and loved George
    • Smiles on their faces
    • Giving whatever they could.
  • An Angel got his wings.

Life isn’t always full of love like the Bailey household. Family situations are not so scripted as to have only one “bad guy”. Victims of circumstance and such make it hard to pinpoint one problem and therefore one solution. When one person tries to help, they can get pulled down a vortex of pain and sorrow and depression and then detachment. All the while, the person struggling has more reason to believe that no one cares. Then the unthinkable happens…and we wonder,..where were her friends and family?

In this drama…I will be playing the part of Mary Baily. I am doing my 21st century version of scouring all over town to find the friends and let them know…George is in trouble. I am hoping that others will participate with me in this drama and respond.

I have responded with a phone call. This is a phone that was provided by my brother because George Baily’s phone was stolen by a relative and subsequently went after George’s funds. George has lost his money and has no place to live. George is also very sick. George is trying to recover but there is one thing that is very clear. George needs his friends now more than ever.

I am being cryptic with this story as it is a public blog post hidden in an old Word Press account. The reason is that I am keeping certain family members out of the loop here as some of them have chosen to victimize her…I mean George. I call George whenever I can. I will list the number in the FB Private Group. Do NOT include anyone from George’s family. The family is well aware of her…I mean George’s needs. Also, the only way to get George money is through Venmo. I had to establish an account for just this purpose. The idea here is not to be Sam Wainright and fix all of George’s trouble with one Hee Haw. I gave a little…and I call a little. If we all do the same…the little will add up…and before you know it…a bell will ring.

It’s time to get some wings.

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New Year

It is not time to be unrealistic. I choose to begin to list my goals for the day and my accomplishments. I will also list my disappointments. First…my typing skills really suck. I have had to go back several times. Here, I will outline what I intend.

  • Everyday, I will blog. Starting now.
  • On weekdays, I will continue to practice my Day Trading. I will wait for the opening to settle down and only trade when volume comes in to confirm my direction which will be labeled by cards on the monitors of red or green. Goal is to be green for the day.
  • Log Foods immediately and stay on a healthy program. If I am going to come in contact with COVID-19, I want to be super healthy to start.
  • I will set goals for the day and evaluations. Fitness routine will be physical and financial.
  • I will fill the time with positives and stay away from the negatives.
  • I will be honest with myself without beating myself up.

Well, that’s it for me. Time to get going.

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Much Gathers More

This is the first thing that I heard this morning as I mounted my bicycle for the daily 10 mile wake up ride. I have revisited my audio recording of The Master Key System by Charles Haanel. I will continue to live with this every morning as it seems to focus me on my day.

Today, I will spend a little more time on my sit.

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